Thursday, June 27, 2019

Kildare Steiner School: Something different in Secondary Education

On June 20th we hosted our first 'Experience Day', led by Nikki Ellis, the class Guardian for September’s new first year class in the Secondary School, writes Angie Ruane. The theme of the day was 'exploration', an element of the Steiner Class Seven curriculum (equivalent to first year of mainstream secondary).

The children taking part were from our existing school as well as from other mainstream schools, and a great experience was had by all, including creative writing, experiments with magnets and woodwork.

We plan to hold more such days in the future to enable students not familiar with our ethos to see how subjects can come to life!

Philanthropic Support — we were delighted to hear at the end of May that we had been granted support of £2,500 from the UK based Hermes Trust, to begin equipping the Secondary School. This will be a great help in preparing the classroom and establishing tools for woodwork and other crafts. We have applications pending with other potential sponsors and had a visit from a German philanthropist this week, so it’s full steam ahead!

We are continuing to actively enrol for September. So please spread the word and contact us on

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