Are you registered to vote on 24 May?
In order to be eligible to appear on the Register, a person must be at least 18 years of age on the day it comes into force (i.e. 15th February of a particular year).
He or she must have been resident at the address at which you wish to be registered on 1st September of the previous year. A voter may be registered at one address only.
Persons wishing to have their names added to, amended on or deleted from the voting register must complete form RFA or RFA1, as appropriate.
Forms may be downloaded here.
If, because of any of the circumstances listed below, you cannot go to your polling station on polling day, you may apply for entry on the Supplement to the Postal and Special Voters Lists
(a) If you have a physical illness or disability and are ordinarily resident in a hospital, nursing home or similar facility, you may apply for entry on the Special Voters List.
(b) If you have a physical illness or disability, and are ordinarily resident at your home address, you may apply for entry on the Postal Voters List
(c) If the circumstance of your occupation means that you may have difficulty attending at your polling station on the day of a poll you may apply for entry on the Postal Voters List.
(d) If you are undertaking a full-time, third-level course of study at an educational institution in the state, you may apply for entry on the Postal Voters List.
Contact Kildare County Council for an application form at 045 980201. The closing date for receipt of completed forms is 28th April 2019.
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He or she must have been resident at the address at which you wish to be registered on 1st September of the previous year. A voter may be registered at one address only.
Persons wishing to have their names added to, amended on or deleted from the voting register must complete form RFA or RFA1, as appropriate.
Forms may be downloaded here.
If, because of any of the circumstances listed below, you cannot go to your polling station on polling day, you may apply for entry on the Supplement to the Postal and Special Voters Lists
(a) If you have a physical illness or disability and are ordinarily resident in a hospital, nursing home or similar facility, you may apply for entry on the Special Voters List.
(b) If you have a physical illness or disability, and are ordinarily resident at your home address, you may apply for entry on the Postal Voters List
(c) If the circumstance of your occupation means that you may have difficulty attending at your polling station on the day of a poll you may apply for entry on the Postal Voters List.
(d) If you are undertaking a full-time, third-level course of study at an educational institution in the state, you may apply for entry on the Postal Voters List.
Contact Kildare County Council for an application form at 045 980201. The closing date for receipt of completed forms is 28th April 2019.
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