Sunday, December 30, 2018

Gardai informed of teenager 'intimidation'

Pic: Google Maps.
Residents of Castlemartin estates have reported incidents of intimidation and frightening of residents by teenagers to gardai, writes Brian Byrne.

According to the area's Facebook page, the teenagers concerned have been engaged in 'an aggressive and intimidating game' of 'knock-a-dolly' in the estate where they knock on doors and then frighten people when they answer.

"One resident and her daughter have been frightened as a result," the residents association says. "A second resident has informed us that teens tried to gain entry to her property. Both incidents were reported to the gardai."

It isn't known if the teenagers reside in the Castlemartin estates or not. Parents are being urged to make sure they know where their own teens are, and to talk to them about this type of behaviour.

The post also asks residents to be vigilant and look out for neighbours as this could be very intimidating behaviour for those who are elderly or living alone.

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