Wednesday, November 07, 2018

Scoil Bhride Christmas CD recorded

Junior Infants recording their song.
It sounded very like Christmas in Scoil Bhride all day because there was a lot of seasonal singing happening, writes Brian Byrne.

The reason was a recording session for the School's Christmas CD, which Miriam Nolan has been organising for some time.

Every class in the school has been learning and rehearsing different songs, and today was the day the hard work came to fruition.

Groups from the various classes took their turns in a classroom which had been turned into a recording studio for the day by Bogdan Music, which specialises in doing recordings for schools.

Bogdan Wawtzaszeb operating sound desk.
The design of the CD cover was made from artworks provided by the children.

The CD will be on sale in time to make a very nice Christmas present for local people. More details when they're ready.

Siobhan Clifford and Katie Lucey accompanying.

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