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Friday, June 15, 2018

Councillors to be shown market square plans

One of the Market Square meetings.
Councillors of the Naas Municipal District will be shown the proposed plans for the Kilcullen market square redevelopment next Tuesday, writes Brian Byrne.

The plans will be presented by the Market Square Redevelopment Committee at the MD's monthly meeting, which begins at 3.30pm.

A concept plan has been prepared by consultant urban designer James Hennessy in conjunction with the Committee, which includes local architect Laura Bowen, Kilcullen business interests, and councillors of the Naas MD.

A number of development meetings have already taken place with relevant stakeholders, supported by Kildare County Council.

Several events organised over the last year in the square have also demonstrated how it can be a more diversified public space rather than a mere car park. These have included concerts and markets.

Applications for funding for the project to a number of sources are being prepared.

NOTE: This story was amended to say that it is councillors of the Naas MD, and not the full Council, which will be shown the plans.

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