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Saturday, September 23, 2017

History went live in Kilcullen Library

Kilcullen Community Library's contribution to the Culture Night programme yesterday was a very engaging presentation to children and their parents on ancient weapons and dress, writes Brian Byrne.

Michael Moylan of 'Irish History Live' brought along a selection of tools, clothing, and weapons and armour which would have been used by the Vikings and by people of the Middle Ages, and in a very hands-on way those present learned a little bit of what it was like in those par-off times.

Michael Moylan is based in Ballyfoyle, Co Kilkenny, and has been operating his 'The Museum that Comes to You' show since 1999. It is particularly popular with schools, for which it offers a fun way to deal with different periods in history, making them come more alive than just with books.

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