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Thursday, June 08, 2017

Great first day to Lions fundraiser for Hospice

There was a great start to the Kilcullen Lions fundraiser for Kildare Hospice, bag packing in M&S Newbridge Whitewater today, writes Lion Antoinette Buckley.

The Bag Pack was between 12 noon and 6pm. Thank you to M&S and customers for their generous support.

Kildare Hospice offers a fantastic service and care to the terminally ill and their families.

We have three more days of fundraising for the Hospice in M&S Newbridge SC from 12 noon to 6pm each day. On Sunday Lions Kilcullen will also have a static cycle fundraiser event for the Hospice in the Whitewater Shopping Centre outside M&S.

Thanks also to all our wonderful volunteers. Your support is very much appreciated.

You can make a donation to any Kilcullen Lions member or at our fundraiser in M&S untill Sunday 11 June 12 to 6 each day. Thank you.

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