Monday, May 08, 2017

Bizworld project goes hi-vis

The concept of a reversible standard jacket which becomes a hi-vis jacket proved a winner for a Scoil Bhride Fifth Class team which took part in the Bizworld Ireland schools entrepreneurship programme sponsored by Bank of Ireland, writes Brian Byrne.

The team was one of several from the Class which pitched their ideas to a 'Dragon's Den' of judges, seeking a 'Bizzbucks' investment for a share of their 'company'.

At the Kilcullen & Ballymore Expo 2017, Lennon Wilson and Eddie O'Loughlin outlined how their team had developed their idea to a prototype stage under the guidance of Bank of Ireland mentors.

"Over the course of the two days we gained a great insight into the business world," Lennon said. "We participated in market research, marketing, prototype development, sales, distribution, and negotiation with potential investors."

Eddie described how the group had created a logo and slogan — 'High Fashion, High Visibility'. "We then conducted our research, and the response we received ... was very positive. From this we developed our prototype."

Lennon expressed special thanks to Eddie's mother on behalf of the team, for advising them on how to sew a hi-vis vest inside a North Face jacket.

The team were successful in getting the Bizzbucks investment from the 'Dragons'.