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Friday, February 10, 2017

Scoil Bhride completes 10@10

A few weeks ago, Operation Transformation launched the 10@10 initiative and encouraged all primary schools to engage in 10 minutes of activity at 10 am on the 10th of February, writes Marguerite Costello of Scoil Bhride. As we are an active school, we were keen to take up this challenge.

Classes have been making an extra special effort to be active both in the classroom and on the yard over the past few weeks. This morning, all classes gathered at the back of the school and we are delighted to say that we completed the 10@10 challenge.

The staff and pupils were jogging, lunging, jumping and squatting and there was great enthusiasm and involvement from everybody.

There is a video of our 10@10 challenge on the school website. We hope to continue with this fun initiative over the next few weeks.

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