Saturday, October 24, 2015

Cuddles from Kilcullen to Kenya

Nobody knows where these toys started their life's work in bringing comfort and joy to children, writes Gerry O'Donoghue, founder of Maintain Hope. What we do know is that they ended up in a basket in Vincent's in Kilcullen.

I attempted to buy them to take to Kenya but when I got to the counter a neighbour had already paid for them. I really hope that she sees this picture and reads these words of thanks. These toys brought excitement and joy to the children of Maintain Hope and a loving gesture which means the world to them.

The children in the pictures are just in from school and are doing their homework outdoors before the light fades. For my 'homework', I have written this piece to accompany the cuddly toys journey!

Back in Kilcullen, on Saturday 21 November a group of supporters and well wishers will launch our 'Tenner a Month' campaign with a display outside Nolans. We are asking families and individuals to consider donating €10 per month to help our children at Maintain Hope Children's Home.