Sunday, February 09, 2014

A challenge to election candidates

Candidates for the local elections in May who want Kilcullen votes are being challenged to attend a town meeting before the poll to say how they will communicate with our community and how their policies will involve Kilcullen's needs, writes Brian Byrne.

Local community activist Orla O'Neill is laying down the challenge to the candidates to 'sit on the Volvo seats' and lay out their stalls.

She got the town meeting idea from the system used in many American towns and small communities, where local representatives are required to answer directly to those who elect them.

Orla outlines the challenge in a detailed article in the latest 'Bridge' magazine, now on sale locally. There's also a full report on the idea on the Kilcullen page of Tuesday's 'Kildare Nationalist'.

Now is the time to prepare for the 'knock on the door' by the canvassers. Know what you want to ask them, make them work for your vote.