Saturday, July 13, 2013

Community Text Alert Scheme now in place


Scheme will be extendedWith over 200 numbers already registered on the system, the Kilcullen Area Community Text Alert Scheme was officially launched last night in Walls of Kilgowan, writes Brian Byrne.

For the moment the coverage area has three rural districts, but the organisers hope that other locations around and in Kilcullen will join up with the system before the end of the year.

The first text was sent last evening by Cllr Ivan Keatley, chairman of the organising committee, welcoming those on the network to the system and urging them to spread the news and encourage friends and neighbours to sign up.

The three districts so far are Old Kilcullen/Sunnyhill/Ballysax, Calverstown/Ballyshannon, and Kilgowan/Gormanstown. "There are people outside those areas on board as well, " Ivan Keatley said at the launch.

The Scheme has a dedicated smartphone at the core of the system, which all subscribers have in their contacts and to which can send a text if they notice anything of security concern. This text will then be forwarded to the local Garda District, who will decide if the message warrants being transmitted through the system or any particular region within it.

The organisers emphasise that An Garda should always be notified directly in the event of any emergency or crime concern.

A rota of holders of the phone is being set up among the Scheme's committee.

"It's also a two-way communication, whereby An Garda can sent out their own alerts, appeals for information, and advice to a community where they consider it appropriate."

The Scheme was set up with the help and advice of Muintir na Tire, which promotes Community Alert schemes around the country. There was also valuable support from An Garda, in particular Steve Kinneavey at the local level, for the Kilcullen scheme.

The organisers hope that other areas in the Kilcullen Garda District will come on board now that the Scheme is in place, and the next areas to be targeted are Mile Mill and Brannockstown.

"We also want the Kilcullen Town area to get involved," says Sabina Reddy, noting that the Garda are very anxious that there's just one scheme in the District. "Now that it's up and running, we can add any other areas to it, even estate by estate in the town if that's how it will grow."

The system is managed by a smartphone app, and the service provider to the Kilcullen Scheme is Vodaphone.