Heydon reaffirms commitment to Child Centre
The delay in final approval of funding for the planned Community Childcare Centre may be mentioned in the Dail today when the whole issue of Minister Phil Hogan's embargo on finalising Leader funds across the country is raised, writes Brian Byrne.
Local FG deputy Martin Heydon says he expects 'a lot of discussion' on the issue as it has impacted on projects all across the country.
In a statement to the Diary Deputy Heydon says he has gone 'to great lengths' to bring his personal experience of projects like the Childcare Centre to emphasise the need to get back to processing such applications as soon as possible.
"No projects are unaffected," the deputy says, but adds that he expects the impasse will only be 'for a short period'.
The suspension of finalising Leader grants is the result of a reduction in the overall EU funds for the programme since it was renegotiated in 2012. "Instead of the original €425m, it's now going to be between €360-370m, and the Department is therefore not approving any projects as it re-examines its funding requirements due to the reduction of the overall envelope from Europe."
Leader funding is 85 percent provided from Europe, with the balance coming from the Department of the Environment's current budget.
Deputy Heydon also noted that because the Childcare Centre funding is in excess of €150,000, it was always going to be subject to Ministerial Review.
"I understand the huge sense of frustration in Kilcullen, as this Childcare Centre has had many setbacks over the years, both locally and nationally. Rest assured of my continued commitment to the project and my desire to see it delivered as quickly as possible."
Meanwhile, speaking on KFM radio this morning, spokesperson for the project Orla O'Neill confirmed that the building will go ahead, and that she expected the embargo to be lifted shortly.