Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Community Alert gets going


At a packed meeting in McParlands of Calverstown last night, a full Community Alert scheme for rural Kilcullen officially got under way, writes Brian Byrne.

It was the follow up to three previous meetings on the matter, and convenor Cllr Ivan Keatley said it was time for action rather than keep on having meetings.

Those present were asked to collect phone numbers and €10 from each household in their own neighborhoods, as a precursor to setting up the Community Alert combined with a Text Alert system.

Three designated locations for collecting and returning Consent Forms are Brennans of Old Kilcullen, McParlands of Calverstown, and Walls of Kilgowan.

It is envisaged that all rural areas in the Kilcullen Garda District will be included in the scheme, and actual boundaries will be decided by a Steering Committee upon receipt of the phone numbers.

The meeting was addressed by Conor O'Leary of Muintir na Tire, who advised that a full Committee should comprise representatives from each of the sub areas in the scheme.

He also detailed how the Text Alert system might work, though he said there wasn't as yet a national policy developed. In any case, the system should contact the local Garda first, who would decide if the text alerts should be sent out on a wide basis.

Gda Steve Kinneavy said the Garda would support the scheme fully, and asked that those involved not try and tackle criminals, but be the eyes and ears of the Garda in the area.

(We'll have further reports from the meeting as the week progresses — ED.)