Petra is back online
It's two years since Petra Conroy put on hold her blog 'Is the Pope a Catholic?', a series of posts from the perspective of 'a (reasonably!) rational Catholic woman living in Ireland' … her description!
She stopped posting in order to concentrate on finishing her Masters. But now she's back online, and she hopes to put up occasional, and maybe more frequent, posts from here on in.
As a point of inconsequential information, a piece we did about Petra last April, 'Speaking up on Faith', is the third most viewed story ever on A Kilcullen Diary, suggesting the theme can still strike a major chord across and beyond the community.
Whether one agrees with her views or not, Petra's posts are never anything less than thoughtful and thought-provoking, and are always a refreshing change from the rant and drumbeating commonly used by shrill combatants from both sides of whatever happens to be her topic.
It's good to see her return to public commentary. Discussion on a number of important subjects will be the better for it.