Wednesday, December 05, 2012

Solstice music weekend

The possibility of a special weekend of traditional Irish music during the Spring Solstice is being explored by the Steering Group of the Kilcullen Gathering 2013, writes Brian Byrne.

The suggestion was developed at a meeting of the Group this week, the idea being that it would be part of an extended celebration of the Solstice which would include a commemoration of the late Dr Bernard Wailes.

Dr Wailes conducted the archaeological excavations on Dun Ailinne in the 1960s and 1970s, which confirmed the importance of the ancient Royal site as a place of gathering for celebration and spiritual events. He died recently, but had been back to Kilcullen for the dedication of the Dun Ailinne Interpretive Park in 2008.

The musical event is envisaged around a reprise of the special piece of music written by piper Liam O'Flynn for that occasion, 'Dun Ailinne and the Clann March'. It was commissioned by Kilcullen Community Action, who developed the Interpretive Park, and was sponsored by Sir Anthony and Lady O'Reilly of Castlemartin Stud.

At the Kilcullen Gathering 2013 meeting, Roy Thompson undertook to organise the musical weekend, planned for 23 March. The hope is that it might also bring back to Kilcullen some notable local traditional musicans who have gone to live elsewhere.