Sunday, November 18, 2012

Kilcullen Gathering 2013 update

A dedicated Facebook page and email has been established to help promote information about activities planned in Kilcullen around the The Gathering 2013 initiative, writes Brian Byrne.

The Facebook page name is Kilcullen Gathering 2013, or the URL, and the email is Both will be circulated in promotional and PR materials relating to events and news around the idea of encouraging Kilcullen-connected people to come home on a visit during 2013.

The recently-established Steering Group is also working on other ideas, including an invitation insert for Christmas cards and letters being sent abroad, and which can also be distributed via emails.

The Facebook page is anticipated to be a place to 'gather' all local efforts under the umbrella of the initiative. People, groups, and organisations are encouraged to submit their own suggestions and comments on ideas being developed.