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Friday, October 19, 2012

Public meeting on Childrens Referendum

An appeal for representatives from every part of the community to attend an information meeting on the upcoming Childrens Referendum has been made by local TD Martin Heydon.

The meeting takes place next Tuesday night in Lumville House, Newbridge, beginning at 8pm. Speakers will include Minister for Children Frances Fitzgerald (pictured below with Cllr Ivan Keatley and Deputy Heydon during a visit to the Naomh Bhride childcare premises); Fergus Finlay, CEO of Barnardos; Dr Geoffrey Shannon, Special Rapporteur on Child Protection and Chair of the Adoption Authority; and Wayne Dignam of the Irish Foster Care Association. 

Minister at Playgroup

"The campaign is only really taking off now," Deputy Heydon says, "and I think a lot of people are still unsure of the reason for the referendum and much of the facts behind it, which is where a meeting like this can be very useful."

The meeting is an open public information meeting and anyone looking for more information or with an interest in this area is very welcome to attend.

The polling day has been set for Saturday 10 November, a day putting children at the centre of this referendum by not disrupting their school sitting days.

"It is essential that we have a Constitution and a culture that hears the voice of children," Deputy Heydon says. "This Referendum is a key opportunity for Irish people to come out and make a statement in support of children; children who have been abused and children who have been ignored. If we vote Yes to this Referendum, we will be making a clear statement that children have Constitutional rights that must be vindicated by the State." 

The Deputy notes that a Constitutional change of this nature would be a clear direction to legislators, the judiciary and everyone who works with children on behalf of the state that we must protect and cherish children in Ireland.

"This Referendum alone will not address all of the issues affecting children, and it is just one part of the Government’s Programme for Change for Children. But the provisions set out in the Referendum will help to support families, ensure the safety and welfare of children at risk and ensure child protection services can respond proportionately to child protection concerns."

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