'Gathering' focus for development meeting
A key focus of Tuesday night’s Kilcullen 2017 meeting will be how to organise an input from the town into The Gathering 2013, the national programme to encourage Irish people living abroad to come home for a holiday, writes Brian Byrne.
The idea was agreed on at the last meeting before the summer break, and Kilcullen 2017 coordinator Orla O’Neill says it needs to be developed now if it can go ahead.
"We need to bring together people from the town interested in exploiting this tourism opportunity which would bring community and commercial benefits to the town,” she says.
An hour of Tuesday night’s meeting in the Credit Union building will be devoted to The Gathering and Orla will have information from the initiative’s website.
The meeting will also review progress to date on a number of projects which have been outlined in the Kilcullen 2017 Community Development Plan. Orla says there now needs to be a commitment to furthering action, following a number of meetings at which ideas were generated.
Kilcullen 2017 meetings are open to any member of the community who wants to get involved in the work of implementing the Development Plan.