Monday, February 06, 2012

Watercolour lessons


If you browse in The Dresser Store, you’ll probably have noticed the wide range of watercolours in the shop, writes Brian Byrne. Many of them are of children’s favourite storybook characters, others are landscapes.

Well, you too might learn to paint like that, if you have a wish and some talent. Because the artist of the pieces, Eoghan Talbot, is available to give individual and group classes.

The name, of course, is the connection with the Dresser Store. Eoghan is the brother of Brendan Talbot, who operates the shop with his wife Mairead.

Based in Jigginstown, Naas, Eoghan is still at art college in Dublin, but his ability even at this stage of his career is very marketable, and he operates a weekend stall in Temple Bar which extends his potential customer base significantly.

Eoghan promises that lessons will be ’in a fun environment’ and those taking part will learn unique skills and techniques. Complete beginners are welcome, so if you ever thought you might like to try to paint ’someday’, this might be the real deal.

Further information by phoning 085 7071570 or email

Meanwhile, Mairead says The Dresser Store had a good Christmas, and their January Sale gave the shop a good boost to the beginning of the new year. It’s good to know that brave new businesses are getting a good support in Kilcullen.

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