Friday, October 07, 2011

Kilcullen Community Centre and the Childcare Project

With the 30th anniversary of the opening of the Kilcullen Community Centre approaching (May 2012), writes PJ Lydon, it would seem fair and reasonable that the misunderstanding that occurred over the loss of €650,000 funding for the Naoimh Bhride Childcare Group be put to rest.

When I received a phone call from Brian Byrne for his blog on the 7th of January 2011 my quote on his blog is that 'there were side issues' in relation to the lease. That was true then and is still true today.

The Community Centre has two leases from the Cross & Passion order of nuns, one from 1993 (Community Centre and Car Park) and the second from 2002 (All Weather Pitch and Car Park).

The 1993 lease gives the Centre much freedom to allocate sites to other sporting and educational groups, but there are restrictions on the 2002 lease. This lease contains various restrictive covenants, and by us signing the lease to the Childcare Group in June 2010, we were in fact in breach of the conditions attached.

June 2010: this was a defining moment for all concerned. Maureen Keogh (principal of the playgroup) spoke with me to see what we could do to progress this lease. Our solicitor, Mr Niall Farrell, wrote AGAIN to Matson Hayes & Curran (Cross & Passion Order solicitors) to obtain clearance for the school. We also encouraged the solicitor for the childcare group (Coughlan White & O'Toole) to contact the nuns' solicitor themselves (letter dated 19th July 2010).

With the involvement of Kilcullen Community Action group, both Liam Sherry and myself met with their chairman, Kieran Forde, on 27th April 2011. All of the above documentation relating to the Centre's objective to securing a lease for the school through our solicitor is with Kieran. If anyone is in any doubt about the above, please talk to Kieran.

It is with regret that the funding for this project was lost, but it was equally wrong to lay all the blame with us at the Community Centre.

In January 2011 the Naomh Bhride Childcare Group received €43,067 from the National Childcare Investment Progremme, for expenses incurred in their unsuccessful application. We are surprised that at a public meeting held in the Town Hall on 16th February 2011 this fact was not mentioned.

In September 2009 when we were doing the groundwork at the Centre, we were so convinced that the building was going ahead that we spent €12,500 towards providing services for the childcare site as part of their planning permission. Water mains supply, storm water, sewer pipes, ESB ducting, etc. This money was to be paid back as part of their grant.

I have also had two meetings with Sr Maire of the order of nuns, and she has been most helpful to me, both in listening to and advising us on the way forward.

Finally, the Community Centre in Kilcullen differs from other sports halls in Kildare, in that we are financially and wholly dependent on contributions and letting fees from various groups using the gymnasium and All Weather Pitch, unlike Newbridge, Naas, etc, who are funded by local authorities.

I hope this letter brings some clarity and balance to this matter.

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