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Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Brannockstown Festival call for art, photography

The organisers of the Brannockstown Summer Festival have put a call out for art and photographs for an exhibition which will be part of the festival attractions.

This year they are making a special effort to get schoolchildren involved, and are encouraging teachers to help their pupils plan and execute works for the event.

All pictures must be completed by 3 June and the exhibition is scheduled to open at 8pm on Friday 10 June.

Adult entries are also wanted in painting, sculpture and photography, and all pieces will be on display alongside the works of a number of local professional artists.

"We look forward to welcoming back some of our exhibitors from last year," says Amanda Horan, exhibition coordinator on the Brannockstown Community Committee. "We are also very excited by the interest to date from new visual and creative artists from a variety of mixed media forms including photographers."

All expressions of interest should be notified to the organisers by Tuesday 3 May at the latest to allow them review and plan the space requirements for the exhibition.