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Saturday, February 26, 2011

Heydon to be elected first count, topping poll

The first count result in Kildare South is expected to have Martin Heydon FG being elected and topping the poll with a substantial surplus. Jack Wall of Labour is also expected to be elected on the first count.

With a quota expected to be around 9,500, the local FG candidate (talking to Clem Ryan of KFM above) will have around 12,500 first preference votes.

There's also strong suggestions that Heydon's surplus might bring Independent candidate Paddy Kennedy back into the frame. The belief is, if Sean Power can stay ahead of Kennedy, the independent's transfers will bring the Newbridge-based FF TD in to the last seat, against his party colleague Sean O Fearghaill.

The first count will be announced around 2.30pm.