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Saturday, February 26, 2011

Heydon leads poll in Kilcullen area

With all the boxes in Kildare South now open, FG candidate Martin Heydon has polled the strongest in the Kilcullen boxes, getting 40 percent of the Kilcullen first preferences according to the tally.

Jack Wall, Labour, got 28 percent of the 1,746 votes cast in the town, followed by Sean Power FF with 11 percent.

Jason Turner, Sinn Fein, garnered 111 votes, or 6 percent, from the Kilcullen boxes, from Sean O'Fearghaill FF with 107 votes. Independent Paddy Kennedy polled 77 firsts in Kilcullen.

In polling stations around Kilcullen, Martin Heydon got 53 percent in Gilltown, and 52 percent in both Usk and Ballyshannon.

On a constituency level, the tally shows FF at 22 percent (a -28% swing), FG at 53 percent (+16%), Greens 1 percent (-5%), Independent 10 percent (+9%) Labour 23 percent (+7%) and SF 16 percent (+7%).