Friday, November 27, 2009

Santa coming to Stonebrook

Even though it is only open since the spring, word about Stonebrook Pet Farm has reached the North Pole, and Santa is going to pay a pre-Christmas visit there next Saturday.


Indeed, part of the reason is to check on a few of his reindeer who have been wintering at the farm. They're very happy along with Elf the Shetland Pony and the other animals at the farm.

The barns in the farmyard will become a Christmas Village over the next few weeks for the entertainment of visiting groups of children. There will be a Teddy Bears stable, an Elves Workshop, Mrs Claus's Kitchen and an Activity Room as well as Santa's own parlour where he'll chat with his visitors.

The Village is open to individual families as well as groups, the latter by appointment only. The opening times are 3-6pm on Saturdays and Sundays from next weekend, 4-6pm on Thursdays and Fridays in December, and 3-6pm on December 21/22/23.

Admission is €15 per child, which includes a gift from Santa, and €3 per accompanying adult which includes a glass of mulled wine.

The group tours can be arranged for weekdays in December at €10 per child incliding Santa gift, and mulled wine for the group leaders. Call Jackie on 086 2661700 for booking.

Vicky Ronaldson is pictured at the Teddy Bear Tree in Santa’s Village at the Stonebrook Pet Farm.