Sunday, June 07, 2009

Naas area count under way

In our roundup of the Naas area tallies last evening, we transposed a couple of numbers. It is Paddy McNamara (LAB) who has the 1,777 on the tally, and Pat McCarthy of the same party with 803.

The actual count has just started at the Punchestown count centre, and the first round is expected to be at lunchtime. The conventional wisdom at this point is that there will be two FG, one FF, one LAB and one Independent.

But anything can happen, as was shown last evening in the Athy area when Richard Daly (FG) was catapulted ahead of Mark Dalton (FF) by Billy Hillis's FG transfers to take the last seat.

We're covering the Naas area count on the Diary because part of Kilcullen north of the bridge will be represented by councillors in this area.