Child Protection Workshop
Representatives from a wide range of Kilcullen groups and organisations who deal with children recently attended a Child Protection Workshop, held at Kilcullen Parish Centre.
The workshop was conducted by Fr Paddy Boyle, who has been doing similar events across the Dublin Diocese under a programme set up by Archbishop Diarmuid Martin.
“The Diocese is very extensive, but it is very important that, at a local level, people are aware of best practice in protection of children,” Fr Boyle says. “It’s essential really, so that the various activities of clubs and other organisations involved with children can keep going.”
The workshop is aimed at making people aware as best they can how to ensure that children are safe and engaged in a rich environment that will help them grow physically, emotionally and spiritually.
Fr Boyle says the programme has been getting an ‘excellent response’ from wherever it has been made available. But he says it isn’t all just one way.
“Always at each individual course we learn something new,” he says. “We hear of a different slant or experience which adds to our fund of information and knowledge. That’s very beneficial, because it gets passed on to others as well.”