Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Usk still 'disappointed and frustrated'

Residents of the Usk townland south of Kilcullen have once again expressed their anger at the failure of An Bord Pleanala to meet a target date for a decision on a planning application for a landfill in the area.

The Usk & District Residents Association have been fighting the application for eight years and have spent some €300,000 of their own money on the issue. Four years after the planning appeals bord became involved, no final decision has been given.

"We are extremely disappointed and frustrated, but not surprised," says UDRA spokesman Des Henry. "They are now saying that due to a 'technical reason' they have again deferred the decision and they cannot say when they will have a decision on this case."

Mr Henry says that when UDRA's chairman last contacted the Bord, they would not give any further information. "We have become used to type of offhand and dismissive treatment," he adds, calling for a 'more open and transparent' system of dealing with planning applications.

"Certainly, in excess of four years to make a decision on an application such as this, with still no end in sight, represents massive inefficiency and leads to serious suspicion."

Brian Byrne.