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Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Kilcullen square suggestions

Jim Collins has recently expressed some concerns about the derelict appearance of some older buildings around the Town Square, and also about incompleted restoration of the cobble-lock path near the new development on the square.

"The present condition of the Town Square is a sad reflection of its former layout," he says. "It now resembles a 'no man's land'. I'm suggesting a meeting of people who are interested in the future of the Town Square to discuss how we can resolve these issues and improve the area."

In this video, he makes some positive suggestions about the future of the square.

Brian Byrne.

[NOTE: The video is an experiment in Diary terms. Forgive the poor production values, but we hope to get time to edit future ones better. Also, to make it more accessible to those without broadband, we've limited the size at the expense of resolution.]