Monday, March 31, 2008

Marathon meeting

Those who have volunteered to take part in the Womens Mini Marathon on behalf of the Punchestown Kidney Research Fund, or who wish to do so, will have an organising evening on Thursday night, April 4, in Kilcullen Parish Centre.

"This is important for participants who do not know anybody else on the team," says organiser Phena Bermingham. "We'll also be checking that everyone has registered to get a race number and a medal on the day."

At the meeting, tee shirt sizes will be taken and seats on the bus can be booked if required.

Entry forms are published in the 'Evening Herald' on Thursday and Saturday and entry can also be made online at

Further information from Phena Bermingham, 045-485232, mob 087-9767531; Lorraine Hegarty-Kelly, 045-481062, mob 085-7268116; and James Nolan at Nolan's Victuallers, Kilcullen.

Brian Byrne.