Tuesday, April 01, 2008

Concerns about playground

The planned playground for Kilcullen may well be the last playground that Kildare County Council will build.

That was a comment at the most recent meeting of Kilcullen Community Action, which discussed the project.

The key promoter of the project for several years, Orla O'Neill, said that the person in charge of the project in Kildare County Council was on sick leave and his duties had been allocated to another staffer for the time being.

She expressed some concern that the project might stall, and this could impact on the required land swap involving the Dublin Diocese in relation to Scoil Bhride, and the agreed playground site.

J J Warren said the money for the project was ring-fenced. He also said that the Diocese wanted to be sure that all the financials were in place before they embarked on the legal details of land transfer.

The situation is complicated because it also involves the Council's Roads Department, as the completion of the project will require a significant expenditure on a new entrance to the area of the playground, close to the existing Community Centre facility.

J J Warren made the remark about the 'last playground' in relation to new planning permission conditions which made the provision of a playground mandatory in all housing developments.

Brian Byrne.