Date set for sculpture unveil
The official unveiling of the sculpture on the Dun Ailinne interpretive site at Nicholastown will now take place on June 22, around the time of the summer solstice.The move was decided at the recent meeting of Kilcullen Community Action who are responsible for the development of the interpretative site and the accompanying sculpture.
During a discussion on the options it was agreed that the midsummer date would facilitate better the organisation of a larger event, possibly even a festival weekend. A number of the people who have been involved with the archeological invetigations at Dun Ailinne since the sixties are expected to be here for the occasion. KCA is working with the Kilcullen Heritage Group to make it a very special event.
However, an informal event will take place during the Spring Equinox, around March 20-22 this year, when elements of the javelin sculpture will mark the time that the sun is directly over the equator.
It will be a special day for the interpretive site, and everyone who wants to be a part of it should be there at sunrise.
Brian Byrne.