Litter awareness campaign
A campaign aimed at encouraging people not to drop litter is to be organised by Kilcullen Community Action, with the double purpose of notifying the community that Kildare County Council doesn't deal with litter in the town.
This follows what was seen as a successful protest last week when a token bag of litter was handed in to the Council offices by members of the Tidy Towns Group.KCA chairman Kieron Forde said the protest had been 'a good exercise' from a publicity perspective, with coverage by all the local papers and an interview on KFM Radio. "Whether it was a success in getting action from the Council, well the jury is still out," he cautioned.
He noted that the Council had made a statement to the news media on foot of the protest, to the point that Kilcullen 'gets the same service as every other town in Kildare'. "That was the first response we got in four years of trying," he said.Ray Kelly suggested that the protest should be 'followed up' in some way in coming weeks. "Maybe we should bring them another bag," he said.
Following further discussion, it was agreed that some large signs would be produced and placed in strategic location, notifiying the townspeople that Kildare County Council does not pick up litter and asking them to help the situation.
"That way, we're seen to be turning a negative into a positive," J J Warren said. He had earlier commented that the Council's provision of a mechanical sweep once a week is a 'diabolical service'.
There was further discussion on a previous suggestion Kilcullen should pull out of the Tidy Towns Competition as a protest, but it was decided not to, as it would only wipe out the progress which had been made in recent years.
Brian Byrne.