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Thursday, April 05, 2007

Playground gets closer

The possibility of the long-mooted public playground being in place within 12 months 'is now much more realistic', the most recent meeting of Kilcullen Community Action was told.


J J Warren was commenting on a review of the 'state of play' on the issue detailed by Playground Committee member Kirstin Bartels-Shortt. She had outlined the clearing up of an apparent breakdown in communications in Kildare County Council which had resulted in a recent very public confusion about the location and progress of the playground project.

She described as an 'historic breakthrough' the fact that all involved had now informally agreed on the position.

playground0889J J Warren said it now awaited a decision by the Diocese on Scoil Bhride property transfers. "The logistics are that the present laneway access to the Community Centre has to be transferred back to the school, after which the school will release land for the playground to Kildare County Council," he said.

He added that the Council's Roads Department was now completely behind the proposal and that the plan now on the table is 'the preferred option of everybody'.

"Everyone is now singing off the same hymn sheet," he added, "even if some have been singing a different tune."


Brian Byrne.