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Thursday, April 05, 2007

Petition mooted for extra garda

The three-strong Garda force in Kilcullen is responsible for some 500 sq miles of territory, the recent meeting of Kilcullen Community Action was told.


In a discussion about the need for extra gardai in the growing town, it was noted that the area of responsibility stretches as far south as Kilrush and east to Ballymore. The population in the complete area could be as high as 8,000 people.

That means a ratio of one garda to 2,666 citizens, far beyond the national average of 1:350 claimed by the authorities. Though even that can be misinformation, as when administrative staff and specialist detectives are excepted, it's more like 1:700.

Whichever figure is accepted Kilcullen is still vastly under-resourced.

But if an extra garda is not allocated in the next two or three months, it could be a couple of years before there's a chance again, because it will take that long for a new cadre of fully-trained gardai to become available.

"A force of a sergeant and two gardai for a population of 8,000 doesn't make sense," Calverstown resident Pat Behan told the meeting. "The Kildare/Carlow division is the most under-resourced in the country."

He said he had spoken to a number of Kilcullen people and business owners and found a strong level of support for a push to get more gardai here.

"There has to be a visible presence on the streets," he said, suggesting that if there was a local petition circulated, everybody would be in favour.

The meeting unanimously agreed to support a petition for an extra garda, and to seek a meeting with the area Superintendent.

Brian Byrne.