Satisfaction at 'new faces'
All who helped organise the recent Community Awards Night were thanked and congratulated by Kilcullen Community Action chairman Kieran Forde at the recent meeting of KCA.Kieran -- pictured far right with Tony Gahan on the awards night -- expressed his satisfaction that there were 'a lot of new faces' at the event, especially from the estates.
Esther Kiely commented that the inclusion of Community Awards to an event which had in the past been only related to Tidy Towns awards had 'added greatly' to the proceedings. "It has brought it up from a one-interest event," she said.
Noel Clare said that the people who had received special Community Awards had really appreciated it.
There was some discussion on how next year's event might be organised. Among the suggestions was that the theatre area might be used for the presentation section, so that those attending didn't have to stand for a long period.
Brian Byrne.