Get creative with those photographs
A series of classes aimed at helping people turn all those boxes of photographs under their beds and in attics into accessible memories started this week in Kilcullen and will run through the month.They are also a good idea for those of us in computerland who have gigabytes of pictures on our hard discs that we never get around to organising so others can see them.
The basis of the course is to make those hidden memories into proper scrapbook albums, ideally telling stories through the pictures.
Helen Nolan of Logstown Road is running the course, which continues on the remaining Tuesdays of the month, 14, 21 and 28, from 8-10pm.
"It is an idea very popular in America," she told the Diary today. "They call it 'Creative Memories'."
All the products available are specially designed to be safe for photographs. This is important, because some papers used in ordinary scrapbooks, and indeed in boxes of many kinds, can contaminate the photographs and cause early fading and other damage.
You can get further information from 087 2389376.
Brian Byrne.