Thursday, December 15, 2005

Paddy Mitchell: A 'thank you'

It was with great sadness that my last visit to Kilcullen was to say farewell to another brother, Paddy Mitchell. There are, of course, a few of us left, but there is also a whole new generation of Mitchells to carry on the tradition of caring for your fellow man.  

Kilcullen has always had a great community spirit - long may it continue.
I was particularly moved by the incredible crowds that turned out to send Paddy off, and, although I don't usually single out anyone in particular, the sight of the football team's guard of honour was something I will never forget.    
I would like to record a special thank you to my sister-in-law Kathleen, who has given Paddy the best care and loving attention that anyone could have wished, over a period of some 30 years. This, in addition to bringing up a large family and supporting all sorts of projects in Kilcullen. My mother's concern was always "Who will look after Paddy when I have gone". She need not have worried - he was in safe hands.

How lucky he was to have such an extended family, to protect his interests and where he could feel safe.
Although we are far away, you are in our thoughts and prayers. 
Ann Bell (nee Mitchell), Newbury, Berkshire.