Monday, November 14, 2005

'Miscellany' strongly supported

When Phena Bermingham's Miscellany event ended on Sunday evening more than €2,300 had been raised for the Michael Garry House hostel for the homeless in Newbridge.

It is the fifth such event that Phena has organised at her home, and this year's donations exceeded those of last year.

The many who came throughout the afternoon were entertained by, among others, Kilcullen Drama Group members who performed sketches and musical items from their forthcoming production of A Christmas Carol.

Pete Fagan of Euro Star fame and local musician Louis O Morain also performed for much of the afternoon, and Kilcullen journalist John Healy read some of his poetry. Dorly O'Sullivan and friends played classical music in the kitchen.

"I'd just like to express the sincere thanks of Phena, myself and Siobhan on behalf of Michael Garry House Hostel for this very genorous support," Roy Thompson, who helped organise the event, told the Diary.

"It is so important to raise the awareness of the spectre of homelessness and the mammoth effort made by those who give of their time each day to afford people without a permanent home a measure of dignity, hope and support."

Brian Byrne.

ED NOTE: We will be publishing more pictures from the Miscellany during the next week.