Friday, September 02, 2005

Carnalway 'fighting fund' to be set up

The Brannockstown Village Committee is to open a 'fighting fund' campaign to raise €15,000 for a legal challenge to the blocking of a traditional amenity area and right of way at Carnalway.

The move comes with the failure of attempts to negotiate with the landowner concerned to have the stile reopened to the walk along the river at the bridge, where families from across mid-Kildare have swam, fished and walked for many generations.

A recent protest rally at the bridge attracted several hundred supporters of the community position.

"It is a shame we have to go this route, but there's apparently no other way," local man John Brady told the Diary. "And it is really terrible that we have to go looking for money from people here, particularly the elderly families like the Mackeys, whose parents and grandparents used the right of way. The current landowner has no traditional connection with the area at all."

The legal challenge will be led by local solicitor Conor O'Toole. The significant expense comes from the need for High Court proceedings, as there is no legislation in Ireland protecting rights of way in the same way as there is in Britain.

Brian Byrne.

Previous stories on this subject:

Carnalway protest may need funds

Big turnout to protect right of way

Carnalway access situation hardens

Meeting about Carnalway closure

Amenity area blocked off