Saturday, June 11, 2005

Church car park developing

The planned development of the church car park includes the lowering of the existing front wall and the incorporation of railings so that the car park is clearly visible from the road. But proper draining and the provision of a tarmacadam surface will be carried out first.

It will also be fully lit, in the interests of security. And a similar railing will be provided on top of the new wall currently being built on the church side of the car park.

The front wall and surfacing work will be done by Kildare County Council, following an agreement with the Parish that the facility will be open to the public as an off-street car park.

The project will also include a full repair of the existing footpath, according to a council official. The car park entrance may also be moved closer to the church grounds, although this has not yet been finalised.

When the car park is complete, there are plans to redesign the grounds around the Parochial House and the church.

— Brian Byrne.