Tuesday, May 17, 2005

KCA 'needs to watch cash position'

Kilcullen Community Action will have to examine ways of bridging the gap between its fundraising income and its annual expenditure, the organisation was told at its most recent meeting.

Mischa Fekete said it costs in the region of €3,800 annually to cover the day-to-day expenses of the group, while fundraising and grants only bring in half of that.

The recent annual Table Quiz brought in €1,135.70, he said, adding that it was the single biggest source of regular funding for the organisation.

He said that there is 'no problem' at the moment, but at some stage they would have to consider ways to bridge the gap between income and expenditure. "We will have to look at our cash position particularly over the next year, until the Athy Road project money comes in," he added.

In overall financial terms, KCA has total funds in hand of €15,498 between its building society and current accounts. Of that, some €4,600 represents the remainder of funds raised towards the provision of Christmas lights.

In relation to the ongoing Athy Road landscaping project, Mischa noted that the final cost looks like being in the region of €85,000.

"Most of that cost has occurred already, and we have received grants of €37,000. We have pre-financed €21,000, including €10,000 of the €30,000 cost of the sculpture being produced by Noel Scullion, and the outstanding balance to Noel will have to be available over the next year."

He said KCA will probably have to take out a loan to complete the required €25,000 to finish the project, but that most of that 'will probably come back through KELT'. "Most of our pre-financing expenditure will probably also come back to us," he added.

— Brian Byrne.