Thursday, May 19, 2005

ASK grants scheme announced

Action South Kildare has announced a Small Grants Scheme aimed at helping disadvantaged groups in a number of sectors.

The scheme is geared to not not-for-profit or voluntary groups with an initiative or an idea to develop which would improve the quality of life of Alcohol or Substances Abusers, Ex-offenders, Homeless People, members of the Gay/Lesbian or Bi-Sexual Community, or Disadvantaged communities including low income farm families.

The scheme is limited to organisations working in South Kildare, and there is no closing date for applications.

All applications are subject to assessment by an appraisal panel, and application forms and further details are available from Anne Daly, Community Participation Manager at ASK, in the Jigginstown Commercial Centre, Naas.

Phone (045) 895450, Fax(045) 895449, E-Mail or visit the organisation's Website at Action South Kildare.