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Friday, January 28, 2005

Africa trip 'enriching'

A two-week trip to Ethiopia with Self Help Development International was an enriching experience during which she felt 'honoured and humbled', Paula Murray wrote in a recent issue of The Bridge.

With a group of 69 others from Ireland, led by Tracy Piggott, she visited Sodere where a well sunk with Self Help aid was officially opened, which would negate the need for the women of the village to walk long distances to get water.

She also visited a Womens Project in Alemaya which provides women with plots of land on which to grow food, and provides education on family planning and nutrition.

"In Alemaya, we were met by a guard of honour all the way up to a school which has 4,500 kids," Paula wrote, "with 25 teachers teaching three shifts a day. It did not sit easy with us that we would receive such a welcome. In fact we felt honoured and humbled to be a part of their lives and it was an enriching experience."

Paula concluded her piece in The Bridge by noting that visits to Kenya in June and Malawi in October are planned, and said it is 'an incredible experience' for anyone with the chance to do the trip.

Fundraising is involved, and details are available from 059 6471175 and

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