Council says bands 'for safety of all'
Kildare County Council has responded to a query about the reflective stripes which have appeared on bollards throughout the town, and which are a source of much negative comment by Kilcullen residents.
In a statement to the Diary, a spokesman said:"The reflective bands were provided for the safety of all road users, particularly pedestrians, and especially anybody with eyesight problems who may otherwise not be able to distinguish the location of the bollards.
"We acknowledge the argument that bollards might look better without bands, but the safety aspect is our first consideration.
"Some bollards have already been hit by vehicles, although the ones on the bridge have not suffered yet. It seems that the bands, which have been put on all the bollards, are needed."
Meanwhile, on this second last day of a poll conducted on the Diary, 90 percent of respondents are against the move.