Wednesday, January 04, 2006

New river move 'dangerous'

The continuing controversy over the blocking of an ancient right of walking along the River Liffey at Carnalway has stepped up a notch with recent moves by the landowner which suggest a hardening of the position.

The owner, a Mr Langan, had previously totally blocked the access through a stile to the riverbank, used by generations of people from all over the region as a summer swimming and amenity spot, prompting angry reactions from locals and the Kilcullen Trout & Salmon Anglers Association.

There was also a well-attended public meeting at the spot, which kicked off an organised fundraising campaign to take legal action to have the right of way restored.

Just before Christmas the original fence was taken down, and has been replaced by an even higher one some distance inside the stile entrance, now allowing access a very narrow access to the limited part of the river.

Some of the people behind the 'Save our Swimming Spot' campaign now believe that the fence was moved with an eye to planning regulations, but the new very limited access to the river actually makes for a very dangerous situation.

"Anybody who might try to enter the river at that point to go further downstream would find themselves in a deep hole without any warning," Brannockstown Village Committee member Steve Schwer told the Diary tonight. "If, God forbid, somebody drowned, where would the responsibility lie?"

The campaign has been raising funds with a number of local events for the legal challenge, which would involve the Attorney-General being joined as part of their case. The funds are required because the AG needs a commitment that he would not have to pay any costs if the action failed.

The Diary understands that previous discussions and correspondence with the landowner have proved fruitless in achieving any negotiated compromise.

Brian Byrne.