Sunday, October 23, 2005

Carnalway fund doing well

The fundraising for the Carnalway Bridge Campaign is going well and a substantial share of the money needed to indemnify the Attorney General against costs for the legal challenge has already been raised.

The Table Quiz held in The Stray Inn last Friday raised a further €1,200 towards the fund, and a number of large private donations have also swelled the coffers.

"In addition to the money raised, events like this help to keep the community together on the issue and maintain its profile," Steve Schwer of the Brannockstown Village Committee told the Diary at the weekend. He is pictured above with Josie and Billy Hillis, former Mayor of Kildare and a strong supporter of the campaign at County Council level.

The Committee has also collected around 30 'very strong' statements from a wide cross-section of people and families who have traditionally used the riverbank for recreational purposes. Many more people have written letters in support of the community stance.

The riverbank was closed off during the summer by a new landowner. Negotiations with the landowner came to nothing, and the Diary understands that the community is preparing for what could be a lengthy legal fight to regain the traditional rights of way.

Brian Byrne.