Monday, January 09, 2006

Carnalway a 'national issue'

The Brannockstown-based group of people who are spearheading the campaign to have a centuries-old right of walking along the riverbank at Carnalway reopened are considering making it a national issue.

The area, long an amenity facility for families and fishermen from all over south Kildare, was closed off by the landowner last autumn, sparking off protests and an imminent legal action.

"This is not just of concern for local people, but is an issue that affects similar traditional rights all over the country," says Steve Schwer, one of the local people behind fundraising for the legal costs of the courts challenge to the closure.

"If this one is let go, it will mean that similar walking and amenity areas along our rivers and in our mountains will be also that bit closer to being closed. So I think we have to bring in other groups around the country to take part in our local campaign."

He believes that hill walking clubs, national freshwater angling associations, and organisation like An Taisce should come to the fore in defence of the Carnalway walk.

The landowner recently erected a bigger fence than the original, leaving space for access to a small part of the river which local people say makes the situation very dangerous for anyone thinking they could access further down the river by walking through the water.

Brian Byrne.