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Tuesday, February 20, 2018

New speed limits for two estates

Special 30km/h speed limits will come into effect in two Kilcullen estates from Monday 12 March, writes Brian Byrne.

They are Laurel Wood Estate and Castlemartin Estate, and the new limits follow the adoption by Kildare County Council of Road Traffic (Special Speed Limit) (County of Kildare) Bye-Laws 2018. The purpose of the Bye-Laws is to provide for special speed limits on designated sections of roads in selected Housing Estates throughout the County of Kildare, in the interests of prudent traffic management and road safety.

They relate to all roads within the estates, inclusive of any loop roads, cul-de-sac side roads and laneways within the estate (those other than private access roadways/driveways, within the curtilage of each dwelling)

These Bye-Laws together with accompanying maps are available for inspection by members of the public on the Council’s website.

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