Saturday, November 25, 2017

CPC's TY Photography reveals stunning talent

The first block of students doing the Photography module in the CPC Transition Year programme recently completed their course, writes Brian Byrne.

At the invitation of the College's Art teacher, Lesley Kelly, we talked with four of the students about their experience on the course.

The short documentary above is the result. It includes a selection of photographs from all the class. The students we talked with are Ella Duane, Katelyn Smith, David Browne and Sydney Sheridan.

The Diary would like to thank them all for their time. There's a full story about the class in next week's Kildare Nationalist, and many of the photographs are on display in a corridor in CPC.

An exhibition of this year's TY class work will be considered when all students have completed the module.

(Ed Note: The video above is a replacement for the original, with extra material and corrections to names in the credits. Views count don't take into consideration the views of the original.)